by Brian Wesley | Fantasy Con, Gallery, Interview, Video
Sean Astin and Billy Boyd SLC Fantasy Con 2014 Sean Astin is an actor and singer known for his roles as Rudy, Mike in the Goonies, and Samwise in the Lord of the Rings. Sean grew up as a true Hollywood child. His mother is Patty Duke (from the Patty Duke Show) and Sean considered his father to be John Astin (Gomez from the original Adam’s Family). Sean started acting at a young age but got his first gig at 10. Three years later he starred in The Goonies. After The Goonies he played in one of my favorite TV movies, Disney’s B.R.A.T Patrol and went on to be in Toy Soldiers, Encino Man and Rudy. Children might recognize his voice as Oso on Disney’s Special Agent Oso and as Raphael on the 2012 animated Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. As a teen Billy worked as a book binder for 6 years he then went to college where he studied acting and even puppetry. Billy became an avid surfer during his free time in New Zealand. In 2006 his Scottish band, the Beefcakes, released their first album. That same year Billy became a father. Billy is known most for his role as Pippin on Lord of the Rings. This year Sean and Billy spent time away from home to visit SLC’s Fantasy Con. It was more of a heart-felt comedy show than a convention panel. Enjoy!...
by Brian Wesley | Fantasy Con, Gallery, Interview, Video
Summer Glau – Actress SLC Fantasy Con 2014 This Southern gal’s parents sacrificed so much to provide for her ballet training and education. At 19 it all came to a halt as a small injury turned bad. A broken toe is no big deal but Summer kept dancing on it, ashamed to tell anyone, and eventually it ended her dreams as a professional ballerina. Her foot healed and she began doing other non-ballet dances. She convinced her parents to let her move to LA for the summer. Eventually, a few months turned into something longer and she landed a tiny appearance on Joss Whedon’s TV show, Angel. What did she play? You guessed it, a ballerina (Russian). In the video below she says she missed the initial auditions but snuck into the casting call backs and landed the role. This is where she caught Joss’ eye. Joss later cast her as River in the delayed hit Firefly. Since then she has starred as main characters and a guest actress in 16+ TV shows most of which have geek theme. She’s even been in a few movies. Summer also discusses training for fight scenes, her fiancé, and how much of a role model Summer’s mom played in her life. This July 4th weekend SLC held its first Fantasy Con. There were 100’s of guests and dozens of celebrities. We appreciate Summer Glau taking time away from family to visit our city and spend time with her fans. Tony Toscano (Tony’s website) MC’d the Q&A panel. Here’s the video of Summer Glau Interview: Here are a few of the...
by Brian Wesley | Fantasy Con, Gallery, Interview, Video
Simon Pegg Panel SLC Fantasy Con 2014 SLC Fantasy Con 2014 Simon Pegg is most recently known for his roles in Star Trek, Shawn of the Dead, Mission Impossible 3 & 4, and Hot Fuzz. However, before there was stardom he was a writer and comedian. He studied literature and theater at Stratford-upon-Avon College and the University of Bristol. Besides being an actor, Simon really understands crowds and was an absolute delight at the SLC Fantasy Con. His stories were fun and heart-felt and you can tell he really loves his fans. In fact, rumor has it that this was Simon’s first ever appearance as a guest of a con. Simon Pegg shared experiences with Leonard Nimoy and fun times on set. He talks about his friends and the pranks they played on set. One of the funniest stories was the Neutron Cream joke. Simon talks about his childhood, Nick Frost, script writing, growing up, and about the joy of being a geek. Here is a video of the interview. The MC was Tony Toscano (Tony’s website). Here are some photos we took during Simon Pegg Panel SLC Fantasy Con 2014 MC’d by Tony Toscano (Tony’s website). ...
by admin | Gallery, Promotional Video, Video
Wesley Productions was asked by Rock Canyon Studios and Refinement Records to help with a Christmas special called A Musical Christmas that quickly became dear to our heart. All of us at Wesley Productions became heavily involved. We provided help as Production Assistants, Craft Services, Gaffers, Lighting, Sound Assistants, directors, editors, and more. Now, we didn’t do it all. There were many people involved and there were many recording sessions. However, as the show began to come together Wesley Productions ended up editing 90% of the show and conformed it for television and delivered it to ABC4 and CW30 here in Utah. Brian Wesley, owner of Wesley Productions became a Producer for the show. It was a blast. Yes, it was work and many many long hours. However, the real fun came in working with Rock Canyon Studios, Refinement Records, and the singers and performers from all over Utah and California. We are amazed at the talent. The show aired prime time on both ABC4 and CW30 on several days including Christmas Day. A Musical Christmas was truly a labor of love. Rock Canyon Studios’ website: Refinement Records has changed its name to Refinement Productions and you can find there website here: Here is A Musical Christmas’ YouTube and Facebook pages: YouTube – AMusicalChristmas Facebook – AMusicalChristmas Here are some various production videos. None of these photos were taken by Wesley Productions. To see more visit Facebook – AMusicalChristmas William Joseph The Bonner Family William Joseph Crescent Super Band Jason Scheff of Chicago Adam Reader, Jamie Glaser, Matt Larson, Wally Minko Nathan Osmond and Lexi Walker The Brunson...
by Brian Wesley | Blog, Comic Con, Gallery
SLC Comic Con 2013 Salt Lake City, Utah When: 2013 Where: Held at the Salt Palace downtown SLC, UT Wesbite: 2013 was the first year Salt Lake City held a Comic Con event. Earlier in the year it started off at a smaller venue but popularity and ticket sales quickly drove the show organizers to migrate to the state’s largest indoor venue the Salt Palace. That wasn’t enough. With over 75,000+ estimated attendees the place was packed. No one minded because it was amazing. It was the single largest geek gathering SLC had ever seen! If you weren’t there in costume you felt out of place. SLC Comic Con 2013 had 100’s of guests… to name a few, Lou Ferrigno, Dwight Schultz, William Shatner, Stan Lee, David Prowse, Peter Mayhew, Dirk Benedict, Ray Park, Weta Workshop, and more. Wesley Productions had the opportunity to exclusively represent ABC Utah (KTVX) and CW30 (KUCW) . Our footage was used on the evening news during the event as well as provided for advertising for future events. It was a blast. Wesley Productions gave ABC and Comic Con ten months to use the footage. Now, in preparation for the 2014 Comic Con, we’re releasing our footage and photos. Enjoy!...
by Brian Wesley | Gallery, Music Video, Promotional Video, Video
TLC Trio Skyfall Music Video Wesley Productions is proud to be the exclusive producer for all of TLC Trio’s music videos. We are proud to release our latest music video “Skyfall” which features International Chess Champion Kayden Troff along with a live-action chess game. All to Adele’s “Skyfall” played by TLC Trio. Here are some production photos...